Hi hi!
I had so much fun this year at Sakuracon!!
I dont want to get too much into the con itself and everything I did
since I don't document as much since its usually my vacation
Also I was drunk half the time..
But I want to post the photos I got because I took so many and I am
really happy with the large amount of Umamusume cosplays I wore in one weekend!
Thursday night, I didn't wear anything notable like last year.
I mostly waited a million years to get my badge, smoked, and went to bed.
Also my dia bag got a huge hole in it and I was spilling items all over
the streets of Seattle ...
I really hope I didn't loose anything important!
Friday Day
[Mayano Top Gun - Umamusume]
I had a lot of fun cosplaying her especially
being a huge fan of Top Gun myself!
I saw Maverick multiple times this year and It was
almost an inside joke with friends to wear this.

I ran into my friend as Goldship!

I met this awesome Air Groove cosplayer too!

We went outside and got fresh air and ran into this
amazing Resident Evil group!

I also ran into some local friends!!

When I got back to my hotel room, I opened an Umamusume
acrylic stand blind box, hoping I would get Mayano Top Gun..
And I DID!

I hosted an Umamusume themed party!
I brought so many cute carrot decor items, carrot juice for mixers
and carrot shaped napkins!
Friday Evening
[Tamomo Cross - Umamusume]

I decided to wear Tamomo Cross for the party!
I am still working on this cosplay in a few areas but I
still really pushed so I could wear it!
I had a couple things missing but I had
so much fun dressed as her.

After multiple noise complains from my party, we decided to move the party to the lobby, which was good because I was about to run out of room and more people were going to arrive ww!!

One of my good friends gave me a present!
My first Strong Zero ever!
He said "Im sorry for tomorrow".
I was incredibly drunk the rest of the evening and don't remember
a whole lot but I do have lots of photos!

I want an Oguri Cap so bad!!!!
Friday night was so much fun because so
many friends I care about attended!
I had many friends visiting from out of town and I was so surprised!
It made me so happy seeing my old friends
and new friends meshing so well and
just loving idols (and playing majong ww)
Saturday Day
[Tokai Teio - Umamusume]

We went to the idol show case and man I wish they actually
put the performers on a stage. It was so difficult to see them..
Also i felt very "behind the times" because
all the dances were Sekai Project w

I had fun exploring much more of the convention dressed as Teio!
I feel in general I didn't link up as much with as many people this year bc the convention was very spread out.
A lot of people felt that way I heard!
Saturday Evening
I wanted to dress in a kyabajou look for karaoke with friends but I didn't
have enough time to change and re-do my make, so I just went as Teio!

I took a lot of photos and even a video of me singing
Umapyoi densetsu.. [drunk]

Saturday Night
Once we got back I changed out into some gal clothes I broguht
but was too drunk too care too much - which really just read as more naturally gyaru ww
Another fun night hanging with my closest friends!
Drunk again too!
I went to sleep at 4/5am...ww

It was such a fun time!
We left the con a bit earlier than expected but its okay because
I took advantage of the time to recover so I would be ready for Monday ww
It was definitely a time I will never forget and was a 10/10 weekend!
Thank you to everyone for making it so special
and thank you for reading!