Turns out they will be moving to LA going forward.
I already skip big LA cons like AX or ALA so its hard to imagine
I will travel there for a smaller convention.

and got a lot of food for our hotel room.
Costco and got home hotdogs.
We went back to the room and I tried the American
version of Strong Zero!

They had a diet sugar sort of taste and weren't very strong.

Day One
For Day 1 me and Miracle decided to do a twin
look to represent our favorite Kaigai idol, PAIDA!
I have been such a big fan of PAIDA, love her music so much
and met her last year and she was so amazingly cool!

Me and Miracle both had the Ocean in Space Paida shirt so
we wore that and sort of bounced ideas of of each other!
I think it gives, alien henchman vibes!
Miracle looks so cute and I was so happy
to twin together!
I got to meet Berry, Kristina and a lot of Miracles other Idol friends!
It was super fun and everyone was so nice!
I also ran into my friend Alex who always cosplays
the cutest Nico cosplays!
First, we went to go see Phoebe perform!
Her set was adorable bc she did a bit where she had an existential crisis on stage and an inner voice made her forget all her original songs. So it was all covers.
I love covers!
Phoebe was such a great performer!
Later I was able to get a cheki and selfie with her!
We finally had a nice one on one chat, I usually see her so much in passing
so it was nice to actually have a little more time.
Thank you Queen bee!
Some photos from the vendors hall and meet & greet!
Some flower stands!
I also made short appearances to see
Pan Ranger and Shihori!
Meowgical Rosie!
She had such pure sweet old-school Akihabara enegry!
While waiting in line for the Northern Lights festival we
ran into the one and only Mr Toado!
We got so many selfies of course!
Northern Lights was super fun and everyone
did such a great job!
Pengy was first and fucking killed it.
Im big Pengy fan now.
Pastel Roulette!
They did an idolm@ster song, so I appreciated that so much!
Jazzy Kat
She is so cute!!
Unfortunately I didn't get photos of all
the Northern Lights performers,
But everyone did AMAZING!Day Two

First I made sure to go see Sapphire, Vivi and my friend Graham
[we go way back to when we both cosplayed im@s]

They all had such great energy and it was great seeing
my friend perform live on guitar!
I also saw Amanda and Friends performance!

Amanda also did some Flow Art!!!
She is so multi talented!

Berry also made an appearance and they did this

I think I died from the cute-ness
Getting to watch these lives with Häschen Mädchen
was so much fun! She's so fun to chat with!

I also got to see Sunslamer Cosplay and their
partner looking SO CUTE as Nico and Maki!!!

I also got to run into other awesome friends like..
Mr. Toado!
[We mixed it up this time and
got a full body selfie!]

[I loved running into you so much!
You are so cute!]

[I missed you! I wish we could have hung out more
but I look forward to seeing you again soon!]

I was so excited to see an Umamusume cosplay
then got a wonderful surprise of realizing its one of my
idol friends, Joukazu! So good seeing you!!

I was super excited to see Idol Shikkaku!
I was lucky to be right at the front!
All of the members were so adorable and each had such a fun
and unique personality!
I was unable to pick an oshi because I loved them all!
Some members would wave at me or hold my hand, it was so sweet!

One of the members from Pastel Roulette handed their hat to one of the
idols and she wore the hat during the encore song!
The other members tried to give it back
but she insisted to keep it.

Cheki Tickets!

We did a heisei gyaru pose!
I also got a cheki with Choka!
She was so cool and fun to chat with!

Including all my other cheki!
The staff and handlers for Idol Shikkaku were so
kind and accommodating!
Please support them on twitter!

Next was going to see Berry perform!
I was excited to see her since I had been
following her for a while online!

She had such sweet energy and really showed her love for NEWS!

Berry and Amanda did a NEWS duet!

Later, Miracle and Lucky Lucky Alice joined on stage!
They did an awesome quartet of a NEWS song!
I did my very best to film as much as I could for miracle!
I was on BFF duty that weekend since her usual photographers
couldn't make it to the con.

After such a great performance, I got changed into my
Donki kigu and tagged along with Miracle to dinner!

We went to all you can eat Yakitori!

I drank some chu-hi!

We noticed mid-dinner, all the idols were sitting on one side of the table,
and their "Handlers" aka friends or partners were all on the other side,
in exact order!
I joked we are staring our own idol group
now as a rival group!

Dinner was so fun!
Thank you for having me!

After we got back, I stopped at the Animirai rave!
They played a lot of good songs!
The Aniwaza guys ran around during Umamusume
song with a horse head ww

I mostly chatted with friends and would kind of hop
in when I knew a song but I started to get tired so I headed to bed
around midnight I think..

On day three I got ready with my
cozy Cookie Monster decora outfit!

After hotel check out, I headed to see ILLIXCITE perform!
They had such amazing energy and their costumes were stunning!

They sang a hilarious song about a pen.
We learned what a pen was.
Its apparently a Vkei song ww

I got a cheki and some other goodies!
I'm glad they were able to make NWIF

I also got to finally see Bunny Kaisui!
Her singing is so good and reminds me so much
of AKB Members and her outfit was so
reminiscent of Hello! Project concert outfits!

Her original songs were so good and catchy and I lost my
my mind when she covered Future Diver from DenpaGumi Inc.!

Later I went to set up for the swap meet.
I brought SO MUCH STUFF!
Some figures and charms but mostly clothes!
I even borrowed a clothing rack from Colin to hang my clothes ww
I still have a lot left over...
But I sold a lot and made some great swaps!

The swap meet was only an hour and was NOT long enough in my opinion, luckily I just rolled my items out into the hotel hallway and still made some successful sales! www

Thank you to everyone who purchase from me!

After the swap meet, I chatted with some new faces I met,
gave big hugs and said my goodbyes.

It was hard saying goodbye since s many friends
traveled from so far just for the love of idols and performing.
Im still not sure if I'll go all the way to Cali..

Shout out to my great Hotel room buddies!
You guys rock as always!

Overall, it was a wonderful time!
I look back at the three years I've gone to this con and every year
was so fun and such a unique experience.
One of the most difficult things this year was trying to see
everyone I wanted to see perform.
There was so much back to back, that there would
be conflicts or if you took a break to go eat, you'd risk missing an act.
I missed quite a few people I wanted to see unfortunately.
My heart was a bit broken when they announced
this would be the last year in Seattle.
But I hope they have success in Cali and will just put
my heart back into other local cons.
It was a super long post so thank you for reading!
See you next time!

Kohiii, your hair is absolutely stunning *-*
Awwh thank you so much! (´ ε ` )♡