Hi hi!
Merry Christmas!
and now..Happy New Years Eve!
This month we had a Winter Jfashion Meetup!

We also held a White Elephant gift exchange!
The gift i brought was a cute hat,
lip stain and some candy!
I almost planned to wear a rainbow outfit but instead I figured I would try for the Santa theme since I just got a new Hello Kitty sweater!
I unfortunately got to the meet a little late so once I arrived we
jumped right into the gift exchange!

Everyone opened the goodie bags I brought!
I insisted Rosy get my gift since I think the hat
fit their aesthetic so well!
fit their aesthetic so well!
Rosy also shared the candy, they tasted...
Elise got some LPS from Rosy!
Aero said they've never had one so im happy for them!
I hope it survives ww
I hope it survives ww
I got the gift Elise brought which was some
Sleepy bath supplies from Lush.
I was so happy because this is my favorite scent!
I love bath bombs and bubble bars!
We were in the food court and he waved at us to
get our attention!
Then he was escorted away www
I didnt get a photo in time NOOOO!!!

We so cute!

On our way we bumped into a couple people who
heard about out meet up through another friend!
heard about out meet up through another friend!
We invited them to join us!
We took some cute group photos and selfies!

After photos we headed to Shake Shack for lunch!
I don't think I've ever had it before!
We got separated at a cross walk ww!

Ray told me to try the black truffle burger!
I forgot to get a shake...oh well w

The burger was super tasty!
We all crammed into a booth together ww

After food we went outside to take more photos and to do a outfit breakdown interview for Ray's vlog!
Please check out his vlog!
Its so cute!

More code pics!

I had to leave early to go home and put my bird to bed.
Traffic was quite heavy so I got home very late and was super tired.
Traffic was quite heavy so I got home very late and was super tired.
Overall, I had a really good Christmas!
I got a Tenikle Tripod, Puma socks, and
a grear shift indicator for my motocycle!
I got a Tenikle Tripod, Puma socks, and
a grear shift indicator for my motocycle!
For New Years Eve I am hanging with friends and made a charcuterie board!
Thank you for reading and
have a Happy New Year!
have a Happy New Year!
The solo photos of you by the Christmas lights (,,♡ᵕ♡,,) they came out so dreamy~