Kumoricon 2024! ☆⌒(ゝ。∂)

Hi hi!

Kumoricon this last year was such a blast!

Kumo 2023 we had the ultimate lineup of Jfashion guests;
cybr.grl, ghost girl goods, 6%dokidoki with Sebastian and Kurebayashi!

And even a fashionshow and Jfashion mixer on Sunday!

But this year...we had almost no guests for JFashion.

I'm not sure why they went from so many to almost none.
It was a bit disappointing so me and other friends made a pact to still
bring the positive jfashion vibes and bring good attendance to the panels!

LUCKILY I did find out later that
Egglian Creations was going!

Ive always wanted to meet them and see their booth!


Day Zero

I got in so late!
My drive to the con was so miserable because I hit
3 major points of traffic. A normal 3 hour drive became, 4.5 hours..

Once I arrived, and got my stuff settled,
we went out to dinner and I got pizza and a cosmo!

I went to bed pretty early since I was so tired from the drive.
I missed my chance to get my badge early so I decided I should get up early the next morning and get it asap!

Day 1

I got up at 7:00 am.

Badge line started at 8am and since I'm an office lady, I figured
I should just get up early and get in and out fast.

 I was worried if I waited too long, it could delay me
and being ready for the Jfashion panel.

[OJ selfie before getting in line]

Luckily the line was fast and I got my badge in 30 mins.
But man was I tired still...

I got some breakfast from the local con market
then headed to my room to relax a little and start to get ready.

We watched OVAs in the hotel room while getting ready.
Bubblegum Crisis in English dub is very funny.

I was so happy with my cord and my
new wig I got just for this look!

The inspiration was primary rainbow Elmo!

I had a little bit of time before the panel
so I went to the vendors hall!

On my way I ran into this cute decora inspired Miku!
I made sure to let them know about the panel!

In the vendors hall I ran into Lilia & Lace!

I love this photo! We look so cute!

I then found Egglian Creations booth!
I was so excited to find their booth since Ive wanted to see it
and meet them in person for a while!

We got an amazing photo together!
Photo credit goes to their adorable Mom!!!

I got so many hair clips and a "NOT COSPLAY" Ribbon!
This ribbon seriously worked!
I got so many people saying they liked my cosplay and the moment
I put this on, all the comments stopped ww

It was close to the panel and I was so lucky to have my
friend Aero meet me and bring me a bottle of water before the panel!


The JFashion panel was ran by Glitz and Neon!
I met them last year and they really helped encourage me
and help inspire me to take on my decora jouney!

They have been so helpful and this panel was such a great idea!
It was Fruits Interview style!

After their intros and some jfashion history, 
They let people get on stage and answer
interview questions similar to Fruits magazines!

They also passed around some
magazines to look at!

I went in line to talk about my outfit!
Even though I am okay with public speaking, I still got
a little nervous and forgot to mention a lot of what
was DIY in my outfit. But overall, I think I did good!

A short summary of my interview was...

Name: Kohi

Age: Old lol

Pronouns: She/Her

Tell us about your outfit:
Elmo Primary Rainbow!

Current Obsession:
Anything fuzzy monster, I might just start
wearing mascot costumes

Anything Else:
I promise I'm still gyaru ok??

Everyone was so brave speaking and had such interesting styles!
I tried to get at least one photo of everyone!

[I dont have everyones names but
If you want any @s please check my IG post!

After the interviews, we spent the rest of the time mingling and Glitz and Neon left a trading trinket box "Take an item, leave an item".

It was such a cute idea and I had so
much fun chatting with everyone!

After the panel, I did some mingling and then went to do some more hardcore shopping in the vendors hall!

I got this very Taobao-ish Dress!
I'm planning on using it for Decora..Not really planning lolita w

I also got these cute accessories from the same booth!

There was a super cute Mori Girl booth near-by!
Not my style but they were so sweet and their booth looked so nice!

Really adorable candid shot I got of the capsule booth.

I saw a really cute Riamu so I got a photo!

After Vendors hall, Me and Aero got hungry so we
went to Burgerville next door.

(I lost a lot of photos of my food so
you'll just have to use your imagination)

After burger I rested in my room a little and chatted with my friends
till the Idol Fest was about to start.

Miracle was going to perform in it so
I wanted to go to support her!

Miracle was the last act!
I was soooo tired and almost falling asleep
during the idol live. NOT SAYING IT WAS BORING!

There were so many incredible acts, But since I had been up since
6:30 am... I was starting to crash.

Miracle did a fantastic job!
Even the videos on the screen were lyric videos to match her song!

I got as much photos and pictures as my body and
phone storage could handle.

I was so dead tired after this, But I pushed on!

I changed into a more comfortable Hello Kitty outfit!
We were debating on going to a local club with some friends for a
Sanrio themed night called "Sanri-Hoe" www

I was still so exhausted though and I didn't want to think about
commuting so I just decided to stay local.

[Pic is me and some smelly wizard w]

Me and Aero met some of the local gals
and chatted it up with them.

We all went to the Kumoricon Rave together
and danced and had a lot of fun!

The gender inclusive bathrooms is really just a hangout for emo kids.
We chatted with some JJBA cosplayers in there too ww

I did happen to partake in some adult activities and thus
these prevented me from sleeping.

I was so exhausted from such an early day but I could. not. sleep.

I eventually gave up, posted on my phone and ate chips until 3am.
then decided to try and sleep again.

I only slept from 4am to 8am...


I only got 4 hours of sleep!

But we planned on getting some curry from one of my favorite shops
so this really motivated me to push through and get ready!

I have no idea how I finished tsujimori and full gal by
12pm but I did! yay!

Me and some friends went to Kale!

Kale healed my soul!
And so did being in a relaxing environment with my good friends.
This was so much fun.

After lunch, we headed back to the con and I headed to
the other Jfashion panel ran by Cherry gal!

I was happy I wore gal so we could match and I just wanted
to feel more cozy!

I hope the panel is longer next time so we can
learn more about more styles.

They did a great job especially talking about gal!

I sat next to a new friend Gummy Frog,
and Aero on my other side!

Then Miracle arrived and sat behind me!

We got a few group shots after the
panel and chatted for a bit!

After that we all went together to look around Artist Ally and chatted.
It was pretty crowded in the AA but I had fun shopping with my friends!

Me and Aero getting surprises from
Neons Gatchapon backpack!

I also ran into the awesome cuties again!
They gave me some of the best kandi ever and we got a photo again
Yall are so sweet aaaaH

I started feeling a crash coming so I headed back to
my room to try and take a nap.

I finally fell asleep!
For an hour..and woke up from someone entering the room.

They didn't mean to wake me but I sensed it was over and I
wasn't going to be sleeping again anytime soon.

Did I mention the bed and pillows were extremely uncomfortable?
My hotel room mates agreed.

After my nap, I decided to slowly get ready for the
Umamusume Party my friend Frisk was hosting!

I held one a couple years ago at Sakuracon so
I was happy to see a legacy continue!

I brought Mayano Top Gun in the school Uniform!

I cosplayed her racing outfit last year for Sakuracon and
wanted to change it up from the other characters I cosplay!

Before the party, I got some Buregerville again!
[no regrets, its so good]

I helped decorate the room
with some of my items!

Party Time!

Menchi was cosplaying Manhattan Cafe
and was our Bar tender!

There was a specialty Umamusume Menu!
I tried the Horse Dewormer and hated it!

The Martini Espresso was so good!

I drank a lot...

I made new friends with some guests
and an Agnes Tachyon and Taiki Shuttle!

We also had some horse racing on ww

Taikis Ita-bag was so cute! AAA!

I got Rice Shower in my choco blind box..
Even tho she is the cover..??
Maybe not so blind..

Taco Box! Lets Goooooo!
What is Suisei doing back here????

There was also Majong set up in
the giant suite bathroom!

The party was such a fun time!

Once I sobered up a bit and realized how late it was,
It went beck to try and actually sleep this night.

I got okay sleep but it was better than the prior nights!
Luckily I had a liquid IV that I think cured me back to 100%!!!!

Day 3

I had a pretty simple morning of getting up, packed and
out of the hotel room.

(with limited accessories to still put on in the hotel lobby
..like last year ww).

I was super excited to wear my new zip-up from the
Ghost Girl Goods x Ocean in Space collab!


Before I left for the con, I heated up my left over
Burgerville and got a drink and a cookie.

It kinda looked nasty but it was so delicious..

I had fun going around and say hello and goodbye to my friends!
It turns out everyone coincidentally planned to wear pastel pink and blue on Sunday??

I had no idea!
We all matched so well!

After scoping around the vendors hall and saying bye to a few more friends, I decided to head home!

I almost stayed another night in the area since I had to following day off.
But I decided to use it to relax and unpack.

Thank you to all the amazing people
I got to meet up with and chat with at Kumori!

I cant wait till next year!

Thank you for reading!


  1. This post is chock full of greatness! Miracle is so precious~ and I love all your outfits ^^ props to you for being able to do so much. You make me want to be more social and go to events like this. How else will I meet Jfashion peeps??!

  2. You're the absolute cutest!! Your outfits are all so incredible but your suji and hair make is always the most stand out to me (⸝⸝๑ ̫ ๑⸝⸝⸝)


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