Hi Hi!
So sorry for the lack of posting and
lack of over-all gal content!
I was very sick for the last 2 weeks and am still
slowly recovering from that.
very exhausted and short of breath a lot.
For 2 weeks I just binge watched shows
and slept almost non-stop ww
But now I am finally feeling better enough to jump back on
posting and going out, and most importantly - DRESSING IN GAL!
Here is a look I did last Sunday
to go thrifting with Rio!

I am really happy about this look!

some time so I made that the main point of my outfit.
but since I was still really weak, I ended up going with my
more flat platform fuzzy slides ww
There were so many cute shoes at Goodwill!
Sadly, most of them were uncomfortable or werent our size!
back to see Ray and his family for dinner!
pizza and drinking beer.
[Im a poser, i didnt drink any beer ww]
It was so nice to see my galsa again!
I am pumped for more hangouts soon!
This work week has been a bit difficult with my lack of
energy and how physically active my job is.
But on Tuesday I stopped for really yummy
bubble tea after running a (failed) work errand downtown.
[The tea was soooo goood!!!!]
A long time ago I used to say that Taro
milk tea tastes likethe cream inside an Oreo.
Some people understood a little or didnt agree but man,
this place actually had bit of Oreo cookie in the
drink on the menu!!! I felt so validated!
The errand took me to a really cute downtown area near
my work that I had never been to before!
I really want to go back soon and explore more!
I saw the new Top Gun Maverick movie Wednesday night!
[So good! I HIGHLY recommend it!!]
And on Thursday, my work place had a fun
hallway Putput Tournament with actual set ups!
I am looking forward to this weekend!
Maybe I will go shopping or do my nails!
Thank you for reading!
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