Day off work! Another Bird Shop + Downtown ⋛⋋( ‘Θ’)⋌⋚

 Hi Hi!

I am on a roll with my posts lately!
I am so close to being caught up too! Its so exciting!

You may have noticed a lot in my stories and blogs where
I have been visiting bird stores a lot.

Well that's because after me and my boyfriend move, we are
looking into the idea of getting a bird.

We both agree the bird has to be the right fit with a,
"the pet picks you" situation, but we haven't had that yet.

So we have been visiting a lot of shops!
I like exploring all the shops in general too so that I can meet
the owners and compare what they each have to offer.

This post will be about the day I had a day off work and
went to a cute downtown area and visited their local bird store!

The shop has a big walk-in aviary where you can bring a bird
inside to meet you and see how you match and bond.

So I asked if I could go in with a really cute
green cheek conure who seemed interested
in me and wasn't very skittish.

We hung out for a while and he was so
sweet and really smart!
I was already almost teaching him to fly to me for a treat!

He was still a baby so he didn't know step up yet
and isn't used to landing on humans.

However he landed on my finger once and then decided
my phone was more interesting.

Multiple times he flew to my phone and perched on the top of it;
then started trying to pry my rubber case off www

It was so cute and he was so friendly!

I'm not sure if it was quite a match or not.
Its hard to tell with babies because they are kinda cool
with everyone and don't really know how to bond yet.

Im not trying to rush it too much but I look
forward to hopefully getting a match some day!
Either way I enjoyed my time with him and being in the store!

It started getting pretty late so I decided to leave and go find dinner.

There was a Thai restaurant nearby that
looked really cozy inside!

I ordered red curry and rice and it was just okay.

The service was great and I was happy to be supporting a
local business but the flavor was quite bland in the sauce.

After dinner I was still quite chilly so I walked over to a
Starbucks and got a decaf White Chocolate Mocha!

This location was so pretty! 
They even had Christmas trees inside and a real fireplace.
It was so relaxing I wanted to stay longer.

The combination of late fall leaves and Christmas lights
was so pretty together! 

Thank you for reading!

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