[SUMMER POST] Shopping + Working on a friends Motorcycle! ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧


Hi Hi!

During the summer, my friend invited me to join him
to work on his motorcycle.

I have wanted to watch and learn more DIY repairs
so he said I could help change his clutch on his bike!

For fun and because im a Honda girlie
(this may change if I dont get a Honda bike)
I decided to wear a Honda themed code!

 I have been really wanting to get a mechanics suit,
so I stopped at some work ware shop on my way!

Unfortunately they didn't have any suits but I did get a comfy Tshirt
and anice pair of Utility shorts to work in during hot days!

I also got some more code pics w

After the shop, I got Taco Bell for me and my friend and we
ate and chatted in the drive way ~

Once it was time to work on his bike,
he lent me one of his mechanic suits.

This is why I want one so bad!
So useful and I look soo good...

It was his first time changing his clutch so I mostly
watched so
I wouldn't mess anything up.

I watched him take the bike apart and admired his eagerness
and curiosity on taking the parts apart.

I hope I have that much confidence
when I get my bike.

While we waited for his new clutch plates to soak in oil,
We worked on his other very old Honda CBR 500 (I think)
to see if we could get it running.

I helped him funnel gas and adjust the airpump
to try and get it to turn over.

It seemed unsuccessful due to possibly
the carburetor needed repair/cleaning.

So we took out the carburetor!

It was cool seeing so many guts of the bike!
It helps me understand how the whole thing works when you see the pieces, even the super tiny ones!

I helped clean some of the pieces and we
were a bit hopeful until we got to the dirtier parts...



The carburetor was so dirty, it look like
nature had reclaimed it...

That's the pacific north west though! ww

We realized It was probably going to take a whole
new carburetor cleaning kit now.

I helped clean up then watched him put the
rest of the clutch back together!

Unfortunately it started to get late and I had work the next day.
I was so sad I couldn't see the end results but he let me know
the clutch works SUPER well now!

I had a super fun time and learned so much!

Thank you to my friend for letting me help and learn and
tolerate me taking a million selfies with his bikes w~

Anyways, Thanks for reading all the bike talk.
I still have so much to learn, but I really cant wait to!

See you next time!

1 comment:

  1. Woot woot!! Can't wait until you reach your biker dreams~~~ ♥


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